Port Moody
Port Moody, known as the “City of the Arts”, is one of the cities in British Colombia nestled at the head of Burrard Inlet, 20 km east of Vancouver. Rated as one of the growing waterfront locations, Port Moody provides the right balance between city and nature.
Situated near popular lakes like Buntzen and Sasamat, Port Moody is rated as the hidden gem of the Lower Mainland. Along with two other cities (Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam), Port Moody is one of the three cities in metro Vancouver area that form the Tri-cities. If you’d like to live in a thriving community surrounded by nature, welcome to Port Moody.
Why is Port Moody one of the best places to live in Vancouver?
Top-quality schools
If you have school-age kids, you don’t have to worry about access to top-quality schools if you’re moving to Port Moody, Vancouver. The city is served by School District 43 and their schools are highly rated. Port Moody is home to two public middle schools, two high schools and seven elementary schools making education accessible for all.
Great outdoors
A visit to Port Moody on a sunny Vancouver day tells a lot of stories why people find this beautiful city so appealing. From the patio drinks to sandy beaches and the breathtaking mountain views, you’ll find a lot of fascinating things to do once you’re outdoor in Port Moody. Even more, you can enjoy a car-free life in Port Moody.
Parks and nature
Port Moody is surrounded by nature and the city is home to several beautiful parks. In fact, Port Moody and its surrounding areas are known for being home to some of the best parks in the entire Lower Mainland.
Port Moody is the City of Art!
Port Moody is known as the “City of Arts” partly because of its high concentration of jobs in arts and culture. The Port Moody Canadian Film Festival and the Festival of the Arts features regional and national artists. Also, Golden Spike Days celebrates the arrival of the CPR to Port Moody.
Port Moody is a dog-friendly city. Residents have easy access to dog parks, doggy daycares, and off-leash trails. Some places like the Buntzen Lake beach are dog-owner’s haven in the summer. And if your canine isn’t scared of water, you can go for an off-leash stroll at the Barnet Marine Park.
Foodie’s haven
Port Moody is not only surround by nature. The city is also surrounded by delectable cuisines. Succinctly, Port Moody is a foodie’s haven. From local breweries to restaurants, and you’ll find all kinds of delicious food across the city. This makes Port Moody one of the best places to live in Vancouver for families who are interested in moving to BC.